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Earthwise Health Network





Are you like me? Tired of supporting companies who put profits before health? Fed up with the thousands of toxin-ridden products lining warehouse after warehouse shelf waiting to be sold at a store near you, only to end up polluting the very water systems that we depend upon for life?


Are you deafened by advertisements?

I am! Do you agree that we, as a species, can't forfeit any more of this precious planet nor its resources to corporate profit and greed?


Would you like to rest your head on your pillow at night knowing you are not polluting the planet--not harming little ducklings in ponds and lakes--not contributing the toxic atmosphere, water system, and environment? It's a great feeling to have, I can promise you!


Knowing EVERYTHING used to clean your home/body/clothing is 100% biodegradable, pH balanced, non-toxic and safe for our planetary water systems is not only inspiring, but also very empowering! Knowing you can make a difference not only within your own realm, but within the greater realm, is an amazing power!


I have been using Shaklee products for going on 30 years now, patiently awaiting a time such as this--when people are realizing more fully their potential for health and happiness, independence and freedom. In addition, the realization that we must change or die, is very much a motivator.


One of the most acclaimed Shaklee products is Basic H, a multipurpose cleanser which serves as an organic soil conditioner (for those who garden or farm), an all-over pH balanced body wash/shampoo, and the best household cleaner around --as well as an official Earth Day Product promoted year after year on Oprah, and used for decades by the Cousteau Society and in the Galapagos Islands as it will not harm marine life!


Remember, everything we allow down the sink, toilet, through our lawns, etc. greatly affects our ecosystem. What we bring into our homes affects our bodies and respiratory systems directly and down the line definitely ends up in our drinking water. 


So, are you ready to make a change and take back your life? Are you ready to take the reins and not only influence what is allowed to be put in YOUR homes & bodies, but the greater planet  at large?



take control of



By "switching sides," becoming a customer, and experiencing the difference, you will fall in love with the products!


Whilst raving about your new lifestyle, and sharing all the goodness with others, you may soon become a distributor earning a paycheck without even realizing it! Or you may be ready to start out with the business in mind.


Everything Shaklee offers is 100% guaranteed. And because word-of-mouth is the best advertising, you will have the greatest chance at healing and transforming the planet--one conversation at a time!














Be a Light Unto Others!


When we take control and take responsibility for our OWN lives, we will witness a ripple effect. Others' lives are affected. We touch one another, we influence one another and we inspire. 


When we are ready to stand in our power, we not only empower and inspire ourselves, but we empower the world around us! Who looks up to YOU!?


Are you ready to change the direction this planet and its people are going in simply by changing the one person you can change directly?  Yourself!


You can always lean on me, cos I am in it--to win it!! 


Are you excited to be the change you'd like to see in the world?


I am!


What would you love to create? I want to know!


If you can dream it, you can be it!

Never forget!!


I personally want to share the joy of making a difference.


Let's visit.

Anchor 1

stop talking



I believe

the goddess Kwan Yin

is on Earth now.

See her Youtube channel here.


Goal Clarity/Balance Work, Life & Family/Earn The Money 

You Deserve/Break Through Barriers/Career Coaching/

Mid-Career Consultations/Conflict Resolution/

Career Transitions



This is the label on the back of the Women's Formula, Shaklee Vita-Lea.


Vitamins and minerals cannot be ignored if we are to have fully functioning bodies and minds. Just the basics can make all the difference. Illness and disease seem to follow those who are not aware of this basic fact and who depend on modern-day processed and factory-farmed foods to maintain health when the opposite is actually the result.

Evil people conspire to convince us otherwise and spend millions in advertisements in an effort to brainwash and literally hoodwink us.


Does God need a million-dollar ad campaign to convince us that organic apples are delicious and nutritious? Nope. Only frauds do that!


Word of Mouth really IS the BEST advertisement.  

 I have been using and sharing Shaklee products since 1991.

My son and daughter will attest to their efficacy.


Let's Save the Planet, and Our Health 

One Conversation at a time!

I found money in the ocean in Goa in 2014

& I know it was another wonderous sign from on High!

A sign success will be ours, if we do what is right!

Trust me! With God, all things are possible!

   we all  Avatars?

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